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Welcome to PASTORALISM WATER CAMPAIGN (PAWACAP) Small Actions Lead To Big changes

The effects of climate changes have a profound impact on pastoralists' ability to raise and care for their livestock. For example, during droughts, water sources become scarce, and pasture lands dry up, making it difficult for the animals to find food and water. This results in malnourished and weak livestock, which are more susceptible to diseases and predators, leading to significant losses for pastoralists.

Quality water and Sanitation Company has established this project aims to eliminate the problem of access to water that forces pastoralists to fetch water over long distances for their livestock. This project will contribute to the elimination of animal mortalities, to eliminate the long-distance search for water, but also to improve food production. This project will have both direct and indirect benefits to the named pastoralists and non-pastoralists societies in Tanzania and nearby countries.


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Help Other People We Dream to Create A Bright To Eliminate The Problem Of Access To Water That Forces Pastoralists To Fetch Water Over Long Distances For Their Livestock.

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Zakayo Ahazi

CEO & Founder


IT Officer

Wilbard Elius

Chief Engineer

Noel Salvatory


Rosemary Andrew

Event Organizer

Efrahim Malima

Managing Director

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